8 more fishing quotes and sayings – Sep 27, 2009

Just posted eight more fishing quotes and sayings, numbers 863 – 870.

When I started out collecting quotes and sayings on things fishy I had no idea that I would get even close to a few hundred, let alone fast approaching 1000. But that 1000 is now firmly in my sights.

My pick from today’s selection;

“And yet there are many times when it does not make any difference what pattern one uses. One thing is certain. The more bedraggled the fly gets the better the trout like it. I think there is a reason for this. I think the bedraggled half worn out wet fly more closely imitates a nymph than a new one does. Most commercial flies are tied too bushy and full. A little trimming of wings and thinning out of hackles will often work wonders.”

Ray Bergman “Just Fishing” 1945

I believe this quote is just so true. I always carry a small piece of  Velcro glued  to a popsicle stick to rough up store-bought flies, and a small piece of hacksaw blade to do the same thing on particularly over-built flies.

Posted by Tony Bishop