Just loaded 5 more quotes and sayings about fishing and things fishy.
“A wise man once said, “F*ck it I am going fishing” – he lived happily ever after.” (1316)
“And, finally, not because I regard fishing as being so terribly important but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant — and not nearly so much fun” (1317)
“If you could marry a super-model or go fishing every day, which would you choose – fresh or salt water?” (1318)
“The art of tying the wet fly rests upon a knowledge of trout-stream insect life, a knowledge of materials used for imitating the insect life, and an ability to select, prepare, blend, and use the proper materials to create neat, durable, and lifelike imitations of the natural insects” (1319)
“Fly fishing is not for everyone – it’s only for people who have a taste for adventure, love the outdoors, and want to feel alive.” (1320)
For more information about the quotes, author, publication details, etc., see them all here.